When you buy from a small business You´re not helping a CEO to buy 3rd holiday home. You´re helping a little girl get dance lessons, little boy his first team jersey, and Moms and Dads put food on the table.
For years me and my husband were trying to find a side-business that truly corresponded with our lifestyle and beliefs. We are into spiritual and not too mystic things really at the same time having our 2 feet firmly on the ground. So we sort of just relaxed into the pyramid making and sharing the good vibes pyramid brings and actually enjoying every contact we had/have with the amazing, sensitive and so gratitude-filled people. And it also brings in some income for our family so we can afford more to our kids than we maybe did before and at the same time offering more security.
We are so very grateful to all the people who have ordered our pyramids because the small businesses are about putting bread on the table and allowing the kids to have the things they are dreaming of or the experiences on their special days that make memories forever. And if at the same time we can add value to peoples´ lives – that is our goal with our lifestyle boutique of pyramids.
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